

词组 count out
释义 count outv.1To leave (someone) out of a plan; not expect (someone) to share in an activity; exclude. 不把…算入;排除。◆ "Will this party cost anything? If it does, count me out, because I'm broke."“参加这次聚会要花钱吗?如果要花钱我就不参加了,因为我一个子儿也没有了。”2To count out loud to ten to show that (a boxer who has been knocked down in a fight) is beaten or knocked out if he does not get up before ten is counted.(拳击裁判)数到10后判(被击倒者)失败。◆ The champion was counted out in the third round.拳击冠军在第三回合就因遭击倒地不起而被判失败。3aTo add up; count again to be sure of the amount. 把…加起来;重数以确定数目。◆ Mary counted out the number of pennies she had.玛丽把她所有的1分硬币数了一下。3bTo count out loud, (especially the beats in a measure of music). 大声数;(尤指)数数打拍子。◆ The music teacher counted out the beats "one-two-three-four," so the class would sing in time.音乐老师喊着“一、二、三、四”打拍子,以便全班同学合着拍子唱。




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