

词组 spin one's wheels
释义 spin one's wheelsv. phr.1Said of cars stuck in snow or mud whose wheels are turning without the car moving forward. 使车轮(在雪中或泥泞中)空转。◆ There was so much snow on the driveway that my car's wheels were spinning in it and we couldn't get going.车道上积雪很厚,我的汽车轮子在里面空转,而我们却无法启动。2To exert effort in a job without making any progress. 停滞不前;消磨时间。◆ I've been working for the firm for two decades, but I feel I am merely spinning my wheels.我已在这家公司工作了20年,但我觉得我只是在消磨时间。




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