

词组 carry on
释义 carry onv.1To work at; be busy with; manage. 从事;忙于;经营。◆ Bill and his father carried on a hardware business.比尔和他父亲经营一家五金店。◆ Mr. Jones and Mr. Smith carried on a long correspondence with each other.琼斯先生和史密斯先生彼此保持着长期的通信联系。2To keep doing as before; continue. 继续进行下去;继续。◆ After his father died, Bill carried on with the business.父亲死后,比尔继续营业。3ainformal To behave in a noisy, foolish, and troublesome manner. 〖非正式〗吵闹;胡闹;行为愚蠢;惹是生非。◆ The boys carried on in the swimming pool until the lifeguard ordered them out.男孩子们在游泳池里瞎胡闹,直到救生员把他们赶出去。3binformal To make too great a show of feeling, such as anger, grief, and pain. 〖非正式〗发怒;悲伤;大动感情。◆ John carried on for ten minutes after he hit his thumb with the hammer.约翰用锤子击痛自己的大拇指后,大哭大闹了10分钟之久。4informal To act in an immoral or scandalous way; act disgracefully. 〖非正式〗有暧昧关系;有不正当行为。◆ The neighbors said that he was carrying on with a underage girl.邻居们说他与一个未成年的女孩有暧昧关系。




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