

词组 speak for
释义 speak forv.1To speak in favor of or in support of. 赞成;发言支持;为…说情。◆ At the meeting John spoke for the change in the rules.在会上,约翰发言支持改变规则。2To make a request for; to ask for. 要求;要求得到。◆ The teacher was giving away some books. Fred and Charlie spoke for the same one.老师要送掉一些书。弗雷德和查理都要求得到同一本书。3To give an impression of; be evidence that (something) is or will be said. — Used with the words well or ill. 表明;证明。——与well或ill连用。◆ It seems that it will rain today. That speaks ill for the picnic this afternoon.看来今天要下雨。这显然不利于今天下午的野餐。◆ It speaks well for Mary that she always does her homework.玛丽勤于做作业,说明她是个好学生。




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