

词组 by the way also by the bye
释义 by the way also by the byeadv. phr.Just as some added fact or news; as something else that I think of. — Used to introduce something related to the general subject, or brought to mind by it. 顺便提一下;附带说说。——用以引出与话题有关或由话题联想到的事情。◆ We shall expect you; by the way, dinner will be at eight.我们等你来;顺便说一句,晚饭8点开始。◆ I was reading when the earthquake occurred, and, by the way, it was The Last Days of Pompeii that I was reading.地震发生时我正在读书,顺便提一下,我读的书是《庞贝城的末日》。




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