

词组 break out
释义 break outv.1To begin showing a rash or other skin disorder. — Often used with with. 发皮疹。——常与with连用。◆ He broke out with scarlet fever.他发了猩红热。2To speak or act suddenly and violently. 突然有力地说;突然有力地行动。◆ He broke out laughing.她突然大笑起来。◆ She broke out, "That is not so!"她突然喊道:“事情不是这样!”3To begin and become noticeable. 爆发;突然发生。◆ Fire broke out after the earthquake.地震之后发生了火灾。◆ War broke out in 1812.战争于1812年爆发。4informal To bring out; open and show. 〖非正式〗拿出来;打开展示。◆ When Mr. Carson's first son was born, he broke out the cigars he had been saving.当卡森先生的第一个儿子出生时,他把存放了很久的雪茄取了出来。




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