

词组 son of a gun
释义 son of a gunn. phr. slang 〖俚〗1A bad person; a person not liked. 坏人;令人讨厌的人。◆ I don't like Charley; keep that son of a gun out of here.我不喜欢查理;别让那个坏蛋到这里来。2A mischievous rascal; a lively guy. — Often used in a joking way. 捣蛋鬼;淘气的家伙。——常用以开玩笑。◆ The farmer said he would catch the son of a gun who let the cows out of the barn.农夫说他会抓住那个把牛放出牛棚的捣蛋鬼。3Something troublesome; a hard job. 棘手的事;苦差事。◆ The test today was a son of a gun.今天的考试难得不得了。




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