

词组 beat down
释义 beat downv.1To crush or break the spirit of; win over; conquer. 摧毁;打败;击败。◆ All their defenses were beaten down by the tanks.他们所有的防御工事都被坦克摧毁了。2ainformal〖非正式〗To try to get reduced; force down by discussing. 压低。◆ Can we beat down the price?我们能把价格压低吗?2bTo persuade or force (someone) to accept a lower price or easier payments. 说服(或迫使)(某人)接受杀价。◆ He tried to beat us down, so we did not sell the house.他拼命杀我们的价,所以我们没有卖房子。3To shine brightly or hotly.(太阳等)强烈地照射下来。◆ At noon the sun beat down on our heads as we walked home.我们中午回家时正是烈日当头。




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