

词组 at least
释义 at leastadv. phr.1or at the least At the smallest guess; no fewer than; no less than. 起码;至少;最少。◆ You should brush your teeth at least twice a day.你每天至少应该刷两次牙。◆ At least three students are failing in mathematics.起码有3名学生数学不及格。2Whatever else you may say; anyhow; anyway. 无论如何;不管怎样;反正。◆ She broke her arm, but at least it wasn't the arm she writes with.她折断了手臂,幸好不是她写字用的那只手臂。◆ He's not coming—at least that's what he said.他不来了——反正他是这么说的。




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