

词组 a lot
释义 a lotn.informal A large number or amount; very many or very much; lots. 〖非正式〗大量;许多。◆ I learn ed a lot in Mr. Smith's class.我在史密斯先生的课上学到很多东西。◆ A lot of our friends are going to the beach this summer. —Often used like an adverb.我们的很多朋友今年夏天要去海滨。常用作副词。◆ Ella is a jolly girl; she laughs a lot. —Also used as an adjective with more, less, and fewer.埃拉是个乐呵呵的姑娘;她经常笑。亦用作形容词与more, less 和 fewer连用。◆ There was a good crowd at the game today, but a lot more will come next week. —Often used with whole for emphasis.今天的比赛来了一大批观众,但下星期来的人会更多。常与whole 连用表示强调。◆ Jerry is a whole lot taller than he was a year ago.杰里比一年前高多了。




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