

词组 all the time
释义 all the timeadv. phr.1or all the while During the whole period; through the whole time. 一直;始终。◆ Mary went to college in her home town and lived at home all the while.玛丽在自己的家乡读大学,一直住在家里。◆ Most of us were surprised to hear that Mary and Tom had been engaged all year, but Sue said she knew it all the time.听到玛丽和汤姆已订婚一年的消息,我们大部分人都很惊讶,但苏说她一直都知道这件事。2Without stopping; continuously. 不停地;连续不断地。◆ Most traffic lights work all the time.大部分红绿灯都日夜不停地在工作。3Very often; many times. 经常;三番五次地。◆ Ruth talks about her trip to Europe all the time, and her friends are tired of it.露丝老是谈她的欧洲之旅,她的朋友们都听腻了。




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