2 or in all,英语词汇,意思,用法,释义,英语,辞典,字典,英汉词典,词语,英汉双解词典,翻译,单词,短语,词组,习语,俚语,固定搭配">


词组 all in all2 or in all
释义 all in all2 or in alladv. phr.When everything is thought about; in summary; altogether. 总而言之,总之;概括地说;合计,总共。◆ All in all, it was a pleasant day's cruise.总之,这一天的航游是愉快的。◆ All in all, the pilot of an airplane must have many abilities and years of experience before he can be appointed.总而言之,飞机驾驶员必须具备多方面的能力和多年的经验方能得到任命。◆ Counting the balls on the green, we have six golf balls in all.算上球穴区内的球,我们总共有6个高尔夫球。




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