

词组 a bit
释义 a bitn.informal A small amount; some.〖非正式〗少许;一些,一点。◆ There's no sugar in the sugar bowl, but you may find a bit in the bag.糖缸里没有糖,但你可以在袋子里找到一点。◆ If the ball had hit the window a bit harder, it would have broken it. —Often used like an adverb.如果球击得再重一点,窗玻璃就会被打碎了。——常用作副词。◆ This sweater scratches a bit. —Also used like an adjective before less, more.这件运动衫穿在身上使人有点痒。在less, more前亦用作形容词。◆ Janet thought she could lose weight by eating a bit less.珍妮特以为少吃点可以减肥。◆ "Have some more cake?" "Thanks. A bit more won't hurt me."—Often used adverbially after verbs in negative, interrogative, and conditional sentences, sometimes in the form one bit.“再吃点蛋糕?”“谢谢。多吃一点不会伤着我。”在否定句、疑问句和条件句中常在动词后用作状语,有时用one bit的形式。◆ "Won't your father be angry?" "No, he won't care a bit."“你父亲不会生气吗?”“不会,他一点都不会在乎的。”




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