

词组 pinch pennies
释义 pinch penniesv. phr.informal Not spend a penny more than necessary; be very saving or thrifty. 〖非正式〗非常节省;精打细算。◆ When Tom and Mary were saving money to buy a house, they had to pinch pennies. — penny-pincher n., informal A stingy or selfish person; miser.汤姆和玛丽为了存钱买房,不得不精打细算。〖非正式〗吝啬鬼,花钱节俭的人。◆ He spent so little money that he began to get the name of a penny-pincher. — penny-pinching adj. or n., informal他花钱极少,因此获得吝啬鬼的恶名。〖非正式〗精打细算(的)。◆ Bob saved enough money by penny-pinching to buy a bicycle.鲍勃一分一分地攒下足够的钱买了一辆自行车。




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