

词组 overstay one's welcome
释义 overstay one's welcomev. phr.To remain longer at a party or one's house than desired by the host, thereby making an unpleasant nuisance of oneself. 因待得太久而惹人讨厌;因待得太久而不再受欢迎。◆ "At the risk of overstaying my welcome, may I use your guestroom for a few more days?" John asked his old college roommate, "But of course!" Ted answered. "You will never overstay your welcome with us!"“冒着久待令人生厌的危险,我可以在你的客房里再多住几天吗?”约翰问他大学时的室友。“当然可以!”泰德回答说。“你在我们这儿待多久都永远受欢迎!”




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