

词组 on the wing
释义 on the wingadv. or adj. phr.1In the air; while flying. 在空中;在飞行中。◆ The duck flew away, but John shot it on the wing.野鸭子飞走了,但约翰把飞行中的野鸭子打了下来。2informal In constant motion; always very busy. 〖非正式〗忙碌着。◆ Susan was on the wing doing things to get ready for her trip.苏珊正忙着做这做那,为旅行做准备。3informal Moving from one place to another; traveling; going somewhere. 〖非正式〗奔波着;在旅行。◆ Mary's husband is a traveling salesman and he's always on the wing.玛丽的丈夫是个旅行推销员,他总是在四处奔波。




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