

词组 once-over
释义 once-overn. slang 1A quick look; a swift examination of someone or something. — Usually used with give or get. 匆匆打量;草草过目。——通常与give或get连用。◆ The new boy got the once-over from the rest of the class when he came in.新来的男生进来时,全班同学都对他打量了一眼。2or once-over-lightly A quick or careless job, especially of cleaning or straightening; work done hastily for now. 匆匆打扫;草草了事。◆ Ann gave her room a quick once-over-lightly with the broom and dust cloth.安用扫帚和抹布把她的房间匆匆打扫清理了一下。




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