

词组 natural-born
释义 natural-bornadj.1Being a (citizen) because you were born in the country. 本国出生的。◆ Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt came to the United States from Germany and are naturalized citizens but their children are natural-born citizens.施密特夫妇是从德国来到美国的,是归化的公民;而他们的子女则是美国出生的公民。2Born with great ability to become ( something); having great ability (as in a sport or art) almost from the start. 天生的;生就的。◆ Mozart was a natural-born musician. He could play the piano well when he was only six years old.莫扎特是位天生的音乐家。他6岁时就弹得一手好钢琴。




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