

词组 monkey business
释义 monkey businessn., slang, informal 1Any unethical, illegitimate, or objectionable activity that is furtive or deceitful, e. g., undercover sexual advances, cheating, misuse of public funds, etc. 〖俚〗骗人的勾当;不正当的行为。◆ There is a lot of monkey business going on in that firm; you'd better watch out who you deal with!那家公司有许多非法勾当,你最好注意是和谁打交道!2Comical or silly actions; goofing off. 胡闹;恶作剧;鬼混。◆ Come on boys, let's cut out the monkey business and get down to work!好了,小伙子们,咱们别胡闹了,开始干活吧!




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