

词组 make no bones
释义 make no bonesv. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1To have no doubts; not to worry about right or wrong; not to be against. — Used with about. 毫不怀疑;毫无顾忌;不反对。——与about 连用。◆ The boss made no bones about hiring extra help for the holidays.老板并不反对在假日多雇用一些帮工。2To make no secret; not keep from talking; admit. — Used with about or of the fact. 毫不掩饰;直言不讳;承认。——与about或of the fact连用。◆ John thinks being poor is no disgrace and he makes no bones of the fact.约翰认为穷并不丢脸,所以他对此毫不掩饰。




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