

词组 lose oneself
释义 lose oneselfv. phr.1To go wrong; miss your way; become unable to find the right direction. 迷失方向;迷路。◆ Fred lost himself in the confusion of downtown Boston streets.弗雷德在波士顿市中心混乱的街道中迷了路。2To conceal yourself; hide. 隐藏;躲藏。◆ The pickpocket lost himself in the crowd and escaped the police.扒手躲进人群中逃过了警察的追捕。3To become deeply interested and forget yourself; become absorbed. 沉醉,专注。◆ Sometimes Harry would lose himself in a book for an afternoon at a time.有时候哈里会整个一个下午都沉醉在一本书中。




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