

词组 glass ceiling
释义 glass ceilingn. phr.A level of maximum success in corporations or large businesses, beyond which certain groups of people, such as women or minorities, can rise only seldom and with great difficulty. 玻璃天花板;晋升的极限(大公司、大企业中妇女或少数民族成员等人群职业升迁上的无形障碍)。◆ "They're pretending to be nice to me," Mary complained, "but they'll never make me CEO of the company. It's impossible to break the glass ceiling in this industry."“他们装出对我很好的样子,”玛丽抱怨说,“但他们绝不会让我担任公司的首席执行官。在这个行业中要打破晋升的极限是不可能的。”




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