

词组 long haul or long pull
释义 long haul or long pulln. informal 〖非正式〗1A long distance or trip. 长距离;长途旅行。◆ It is a long haul to drive across the country.开车穿越这个国家是一段漫长的旅行。2A long length of time during which work continues or something is done; a long time of trying. 费时费力的工作;长时间的努力。◆ A boy crippled by polio may learn to walk again, but it may be a long haul. — Used in the phrase over the long haul.因患小儿麻痹症而瘫痪的男孩可以重新学习走路,但可能需要一段很长的时间。用于词组over the long haul中。◆ Over the long haul, an expensive pair of shoes may save you money.从长远来看,一双昂贵的鞋可能更省钱。




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