

词组 you don't say or well, I never
释义 you don't say or well, I neveradj. phr.informal Said in surprise or in astonishment, or disbelief; you're kidding; this sounds nonsensical. 〖非正式〗(表示惊讶或不相信)真的吗?不会吧!你是在开玩笑吧!我真没想到过!◆ "I almost beat Steffi Graff in tennis," John's daughter declared, after a visit to Germany, where she had a chance to play the famous champion for ten minutes. "You don't say!" her father replied, laughing.“我打网球差一点击败斯蒂菲·格拉芙,”约翰的女儿访问德国时曾有机会与那位著名的网球冠军打过10分钟球,回来后便如此宣称。“不会吧!”她的父亲笑着说。◆ "I am a shoo-in for the Pulitzer Prize," Ted's son, a senior in high school said, when his first poem was published in the school paper. The father laughed and replied, "Well, I never…" 泰德的儿子是名高中毕业班的学生,他的第一首诗在校刊上刊登出来时,他说:“我肯定要得普利策奖了。”父亲笑着回答说:“啊,我可没想到……”




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