

词组 who's who or who is who
释义 who's who or who is whoinformal 〖非正式〗1Who this one is and who that one is; who the different ones in a group of people are or what their names or positions are. 谁是谁;各人的身份(或姓名)。◆ It is hard too tell who is who in the Parade because everyone in the band looks alike.在游行队伍中很难分辨出谁是谁,因为管乐队里的每个人看上去都差不多。2Who the important people are. 哪些是要人;重要人物。◆ John didn't recognize the champion on television. He doesn't know who is who in boxing.约翰没认出电视上的那位拳击冠军。他不认识拳击界的那些名人。◆ After about a year, Mr. Thompson had lived in this town long enough to know who was who.汤普森先生在这个镇上住了大约一年后,才认识了这里的一些重要人物。




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