

词组 let someone have it
释义 let someone have itv. phr.1aslang To hit hard. 〖俚〗痛打某人。◆ He drew back his fist and let the man have it.他收回拳头,然后又出拳狠狠地揍了那人一下。lb. slang To use a weapon on; to shoot or knife. 〖俚〗用武器伤害某人;射某人;用刀刺某人。◆ The guard pulled his gun and let the robber have it in the leg.警卫拔枪射中了抢劫者的大腿。1cslang To attack with words; scold; criticize. 〖俚〗责骂;责备;批评。◆ Mary kept talking in class until the teacher became angry and let her have it.玛丽上课时一直在讲话,结果老师很生气,把她批评了一顿。2informal To tell about it. — Used in the imperative phrase, let's have it. 〖非正式〗讲,说。——用于祈使短语let't have it中。◆ Now, Jack, let's have it from the beginning.好了,玛丽,让我们从头开始讲吧。




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