

词组 let off
释义 let offv.1To discharge (a gun); explode; fire. 开(枪、炮等);使爆炸;发射。◆ Willie accidentally let off his father's shotgun and made a hole in the wall.威利不小心让他父亲的猎枪走了火,把墙打了一个洞。2To permit to go or escape; excuse from a penalty, a duty, or a promise. 放过;免去处罚;免去工作任务(或承诺)。◆ Two boys were caught smoking in school but the principal let them off with a warning.两名男生在学校里抽烟被抓住,但校长予以警告后放过了他们。3or informal let off the hook To miss a chance to defeat or score against, especially in sports or games. 〖非正式〗(尤指在体育运动或比赛中)错过取胜(或得分)的机会。◆ The boxer let his opponent off the hook many times.那名拳击手多次错过了用钩拳击败对手的机会。




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