

词组 let down
释义 let downv. phr.1To allow to descend; lower. 放下;降下。◆ Harry let the chain saw down on a rope and then climbed down himself.哈里用绳子把链锯吊了下来,然后自己也爬了下来。2To relax; stop trying so hard; take it easy. 放松;松懈。◆ The horse let down near the end of the race and lost.那匹马在临近比赛终点时松了劲,结果输了。3To fail to do as well as (someone) expected; disappoint. 辜负(某人)的期望;使失望,使沮丧。◆ The team felt they had let the coach down.球员们感到自己辜负了教练的期望。




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