

词组 lay up
释义 lay upv.1To collect a supply of; save for future use; store. 储存。◆ Bees lay up honey for the winter.蜜蜂为过冬而储存蜂蜜。2To keep in the house or in bed because of sickness or injury; disable. 使因伤病卧床(或在家)休养。◆ Jack was laid up with a twisted knee and couldn't play in the final game.杰克因扭伤了膝盖而在家休养,没能参加决赛。3To take out of active service; put in a boat dock or a garage. 停止使用;把…放入船坞(或车库)。◆ Bill had to lay up his boat when school started.开学后,比尔只得把他的船收了起来。




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