

词组 give out
释义 give outv.1To make known; let it be known; publish. 公布;宣布;发表。◆ Mary gave out that she and Bob were going to be married.玛丽宣布她和鲍勃将要结婚。2To let escape; give. 发出。◆ The cowboy gave out a yell.那牛仔大喊了一声。3to give to people; distribute. 分发。◆ The barber gives out free lollipops to all the children.理发师给所有的孩子免费分发棒棒搪。4To fail; collapse. 失去作用;倒下;垮掉。◆ Tom's legs gave out and he couldn't run any farther.汤姆两腿发软,再也跑不动了。◆ The chair gave out under the fat man.那个胖子把椅子坐垮了。5To be finished or gone. 用完;耗尽。◆ When the food at the party gave out, they bought more.晚会上的食物吃完后,他们又去买了一些来。◆ The teacher's patience gave out.老师忍无可忍了。




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