

词组 weigh in
释义 weigh inv.1aTo take the weight of; weigh. 称…的重量;称。◆ The man at the airport counter weighed in our bags and took our plane tickets.机场服务台的工作人员为我们的行李过磅并检查我们的机票。1bTo have yourself or something that you own weighed. — Often used with at. 称体重;过磅。——常与at连用。◆ We took our bags to the airport counter to weigh in.我们把行李拿到机场服务台过磅。1cTo have yourself weighed as a boxer or wrestler by a doctor before a match. — Used with at.(拳击手或摔跤运动员在比赛前)称体重。——常与at连用。◆ The champion weighed in at 160 pounds.那位冠军的体重称下来为160磅。2slang To join or interfere in a fight, argument, or discussion. 〖俚〗参加;介入(打架、争论或讨论)。◆ We told Jack that if we wanted him to weigh in with his opinion we would ask him.我们告诉杰克,如果我们需要他参加讨论发表意见的话,我们就会请他。




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