

词组 weather eye
释义 weather eyen.1Eyes that can tell what the weather will be. 善于观察天气变化的眼睛。◆ Grandfather's weather eye always tells him when it will rain.祖父那双善观气象的眼睛一看就知道什么时候会下雨。2Eyes ready or quick to see; careful watch. — Usually used in phrases like keep a weather eye on, open, or out for.警惕;密切注视。——通常用于keep a weather eye on, open或out for等短语中。◆ Mrs. Brown kept a weather eye on the children so they wouldn't hurt each other.布朗夫人密切注视着孩子们,使他们不会相互伤害。◆ Keep a weather eye out for Uncle George at the store.请密切注意店里的乔治大叔。◆ Keep a weather eye open for deer.密切注意有没有鹿出现。◆ The police have a weather eye out for the robbers.警察随时注视着那些盗贼。COMPARELOOK OUT




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