

词组 warm up
释义 warm upv. (stress on up)(重读up)1To reheat cooked food. 将(已冷的饭、菜)重新加热。◆ Mr. Jones was so late that his dinner got cold; his wife had to warm it up.琼斯先生回家太晚,饭菜都冷了;他太太不得不拿去再热一下。2To become friendly or interested. 友好起来;感起兴趣来。◆ It takes an hour or so for some children to warm up to strangers.有些孩子需要1小时左右的时间才能和陌生人热乎起来。3To get ready for a game or other event by exercising or practicing. 作准备活动;热身。◆ The coach told us to warm up before entering the pool.教练叫我们在入池前先要作准备活动。




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