

词组 want to bet on it? or wanna bet?
释义 want to bet on it? or wanna bet?v. phr.informal Often used when one wants to be sure that the other person means what he or she said, meaning, "Are you sure?" 〖非正式〗你敢打赌吗?你敢肯定吗?◆ "I am certain we will find some form of primitive life on Mars or on Europa, Jupiter's biggest moon," the science director of NASA said. "You want to bet on it?" a skeptical journalist asked, when a major probe was getting ready to be launched.“我确信我们会在火星上或者木星最大的卫星木卫二上发现某种原始生物,”当一枚重要的探空航天器正在准备发射时,美国国家航空航天局的科学部主任说。“你敢为此打赌吗?”一位持怀疑态度的记者问。




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