

词组 turn off
释义 turn offv. (stress on off)(重读Off)1To stop by turning a knob or handie or by working a switch; to cause to be off. 关掉,关上,关断。◆ He turned the water Off.他把自来水关了。2To leave by turning right or left onto another way. 转弯离开;拐入另一条路。◆ Turn off the highway at exit 5.在5号出口处转弯离开高速公路。3To disgust, bore, or repel (someone) by being intellectually, emotionally, socially, or sexually unattractive. 〖俚〗使(某人)厌恶,使厌烦,使反感。◆ I won't date Linda Bell anymore — she just turns me off.我不会再跟琳达·贝尔约会了——她令我厌恶。




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