

词组 to pieces
释义 to piecesadv. phr.1Into broken pieces or fragments; destroyed. 成碎片地;毁坏。◆ The cannon shot the town to pieces.大炮把那座城镇炸毁了。2informal So as not to work; into a state of not operating. 〖非正式〗崩溃;不能再用。◆ After 100,000 miles the car went to pieces.这辆汽车跑了10万英里后就报废了。3informal Very much; greatly; exceedingly. 〖非正式〗非常;极度。◆ John was thrilled to pieces to see Mary.琼看到玛丽时非常激动。◆ The shooting scared Bob to pieces.枪击声把鲍勃吓得要死。




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