

词组 the road to hell is paved with good intentions
释义 the road to hell is paved with good intentionsOften heard when one comments on good intentions having gone bad, meaning that thinking positively should be complemented by positive action. — A proverb. 〖谚〗空言不如力行,空谈不如实干;徒有良好的愿望无补于事;光有良好的意图也可能走向地狱。◆ "Socialism was meant to eliminate poverty in the world, yet people never suffered more than in Soviet Russia," Ivan remarked. "Indeed," Boris replied, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."伊万说:“社会主义的本意是要消灭世界上的贫困,但苏俄统治下的人民却受苦最深。”“确实如此,”鲍里斯回答说,“光有良好的意图也可能通向地狱。”




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