

词组 in for a penny, in for a dollar or pound
释义 in for a penny, in for a dollar or poundOnce you got into a deal on a low level, you're in all the way, which may be costly. — A proverb.〖谚〗一不做,二不休;一旦开始就干到底。◆ When Mr. Smith decided to invest in Mr. Brown's company, everything went well at the beginning. When things started to go badly, Mr. Smith wanted to get out of the business. At this point Mr. Brown reminded his partner: "In for a penny, in for a pound."当史密斯先生决定入股布朗先生的公司时,开头一切都进展顺利。当情况开始变得很糟时,史密斯先生想退出来。这时,布朗先生提醒他的合伙人说:“既然干就干到底嘛。”




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