

词组 in dire straits
释义 in dire straitsadv. phr.In a difficult, terrible situation. 陷入绝境;处于绝境之中。◆ "I am badly in need of an interest-free loan of $5,000, John!" the old roommate from college called to say. "What's the matter? Have you tried your bank?" "I am in such dire straights that they won't give it to me," came the reply.“我现在急需一笔5000美元的无息贷款,约翰!”大学时的室友在电话中说。“怎么啦?你试过向银行贷款吗?”“我现在深陷绝境,他们不肯贷款给我,”对方回答说。◆ The mountain climbers were in dire straights because they had been lost for days without food and water.登山运动员陷入了绝境,因为他们迷了路,已经几天没有食物和水了。




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