

词组 in case
释义 in caseadv. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1In order to be prepared; as a precaution; if there is need. — Usually used in the phrase just in case. 以备;以防(万一);如有需要。——通常用于短语just in case。◆ The bus is usually on time, but start early, just in case.公交车通常是准时的,不过还是早点出发吧,以防万一它早开。2in case or in the event conj. If it happens that; if it should happen that; if; lest. 如果;万一;假使;免得。◆ Tom took his skates in case they found a place to skate.汤姆带上了他的冰鞋,以便找到地方时可以滑滑冰。◆ In the event that our team wins, there will be a big celebration.如果我们队获胜,将有一个大的庆祝活动。◆ What shall we do in case it snows?万一下雪我们怎么办?




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