

词组 tee off
释义 tee offv.1To hit the golf ball from a small wooden peg or tee to begin play for each hole.(从高尔夫球球座)发球,开球。◆ We got to the golf course just in time to see the champion tee off.我们到达高尔夫球场时正好赶上那位冠军在开球。2slang To hit a ball, especially a baseball very hard or far. 〖俚〗(棒球)猛力击球;将球击远。◆ He teed off on the first pitch.他将投来的第一球猛力击出。3slang To attack vigorously. 〖俚〗猛烈攻击。◆ The governor teed off on his opponent's speech.州长猛烈抨击对手的讲话。4slang To make (someone) angry or disgusted. 〖俚〗使(某人)生气;使(某人)讨厌。◆ It teed me off when Bill stole my candy.比利偷了我的糖,使我很生气。




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