

词组 hot seat
释义 hot seatn. slang 1The electric chair used to cause death by electrocution in legal executions. (处决犯人的)电椅◆ Many a man has controlled a murderous rage when he thought of the hot seat.很多人一想到电椅便克制住了想杀人的怒火。2informal A position in which you can easily get into trouble. 〖非正式〗困境;容易招致麻烦的职位。◆ A judge in a beauty contest is on the hot seat. If he chooses one girl, the other girls will be angry with him.选美比赛的裁判是个得罪人的差事。如果他选中某个姑娘,其他姑娘就会生他的气。




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