

词组 horse trade
释义 horse traden.1The sale of a horse or the exchange of two horses. 马匹买卖(或交换);马匹交易。◆ It was a horse trade in which the owner of the worse animal gave a rifle to make the trade equal.那是一次马匹交易,马匹较差的主人送一支步枪给对方,以使交易公平。2informal A business agreement or bargain arrived at after hard and skillful discussion. 〖非正式〗(经过激烈的讨价还价后达成的)交易(或商业协定)。◆ Party leaders went around for months making horse trades to get support for their candidate.政党领袖们数月在外奔波,进行政治交易,以获得对其候选人的支持。




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