

词组 take for a ride
释义 take for a ridev. phr. slang 〖俚〗1To take out in a car intending to murder. 开车绑架(某人)去杀害。◆ The gang leader decided that the informer must be taken for a ride.黑帮头目决定把告密者架上汽车拉出去杀掉。2To play a trick on; fool. 欺骗;愚弄。◆ The girls told Linda that a movie star was visiting the school, but she did not believe them; she thought they were taking her for a ride.姑娘们告诉琳达,说有位电影明星要来学校访问,但琳达不相信她们,认为她们是在骗她。3To take unfair advantage of; fool for your own gain. 占…的便宜;使…吃亏上当。◆ His girlfriend really took him for a ride before he stopped dating her.在他和女友停止约会之前,她已占了他的便宜。




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