

词组 heavy-footed
释义 heavy-footedadj.1Slow and clumsy in walking or movement; awkward in using your feet. 脚步沉重的;步态笨拙的。◆ The fat man tried to dance, but he was too heavy-footed.那个胖子想跳舞,但他脚步太笨重了。2Awkward in choice and order of words; not smooth and graceful; clumsy. 文体冗赘的;笨拙的。◆ In Mary's compositions, the words seem to dance, but John's compositions are always heavy-footed.玛丽的作文用词灵活,但约翰的作文却总是不流畅。3or lead-footed informal Likely to drive an automobile fast. 〖非正式〗爱超速行驶的;爱开快车的。◆ Jerry is a bad driver because he is too heavy-footed.杰里是个不守规矩的司机,因为他喜欢开快车。




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