

词组 head-hunting
释义 head-huntingn. slang informal 〖俚〗〖非正式〗1The custom of seeking out, decapitating, and preserving the heads of enemies as trophies 割取敌人首级作为战利品保存的风俗。2A search for qualified individuals to fill certain positions. 物色人才。◆ The president sent a committee to the colleges and universities to do some head-hunting; we hope he finds some young talent.总裁派出一个委员会去各大学物色人才;希望他能发现一些青年才俊。3A systematic destruction of opponents, especially in politics. 消除敌手;清除政敌。◆ Billings was hired by the party to do some head-hunting among members of the opposition.比林斯被该党雇去清除反对党的一些成员。




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