

词组 have it
释义 have itv. phr.1To hear or get news; understand. 听到消息;得到消息;了解。◆ I have it on the best authority that we will be paid for our work next week.我得到了最权威的消息:我们下周发工资。2To do something in a certain way. 以某种方式做某事。◆ Bobby must have it his way and play the game by his rules.鲍比一定要按他的方式做事,按他的规则来玩这种游戏。3To claim; say. 坚持说;说。◆ Rumor has it that the school burned down.据谣传,那所学校烧毁了。4To allow it — Usually used with will or would in negative sentences. 允许,同意。——通常在否定句中与will或would连用。◆ Mary wanted to give the party at her house, but her mother wouldn't have it.玛丽想在自己家中举行晚会,但她母亲不允许。5To win. 获胜。◆ When the senators vote, the ayes will have it.参议员们投票时,投赞成票者会获胜。6To get or find the answer; think of how to do something. 得出答案;找到答案;想出办法。◆ "I have it!" said John to Mary. "We can buy Mother a nice comb for her birthday."“我想出办法来了!”约翰对玛丽说。“我们可以给母亲买把好梳子作为生日礼物。”7informal To have an (easy, good, rough, soft) time; have (certain kinds of) things happen to you; be treated in a (certain) way by luck or life. 〖非正式〗处境(好或坏);日子(好过或不好过);运气(好或坏)。◆ Everyone liked Joe and he had it good until he got sick.大家都喜欢乔,在他生病以前他一直过得很舒心。




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