

词组 take by surprise
释义 take by surprisev. phr.1To appear in front of someone suddenly or to suddenly discover him before he discovers you; come before (someone) is ready; appear before (someone) unexpectedly. 突然出现在(某人)面前;使措手不及;出其不意地抓住。◆ The policeman took the burglar by surprise as he opened the window.正当窃贼打开窗子时,警察冷不防抓住了他。2To fill with surprise or amazement; astonish. 使吃惊;使诧异;使惊讶。◆ When our teacher quit in the middle of the year to work for the government, it took us all by surprise.当我们的老师在学年中期辞职去政府就任公职时,我们大家都颇感意外。




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