

词组 stick with
释义 stick withv. informal 1or stay with To continue doing; not quit. 继续做;不放弃。◆ Fred stayed with his homework until it was done.弗雷德继续做作业,一直到做完为止。2To stay with; not leave. 跟…在一起;不离开。◆ Stick with me until we get out of the crowd.在我们走出人群前不要离开我。3To sell (someone) something poor or worthless; cheat. 向(某人)兜售(次货);用…欺骗(某人)。◆ Father said that the man in the store tried to stick him with a bad TV set.父亲说,店里的那个人试图向他兜售一台劣质电视机。4To leave (someone) with (something unpleasant); force to do or keep something because others cannot or will not. — Used in the passive. 用(不快之事)缠住(某人);迫使(某人)做某事;迫使(某人)保留某物。——通常用于被动语态。◆ Mr. Jones bought a house that is too big and expensive, but now he's stuck with it.琼斯先生买了一幢又大又贵的房子,现在已无法脱手了。




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