

词组 old
释义 old BrE /əʊld/
NAmE /oʊld/
ˈany old how (spoken) in a careless or untidy way 随便地;马马虎虎地;不整洁地You can’t just dress any old how for such an important occasion.
ˈany old thing, time, place, etc. (spoken) it does not matter which thing, when, where, etc. 随便哪一个(或何时、何处等)Come on, let’s go out now — you can do the housework any old time.
We can’t have any old person looking after the kids — it has to be someone reliable.
for ˈold times’ sakebecause of pleasant memories of things you did together in the past 看在旧日的情分上;念及老交情I saw John Smith today. I hadn’t seen him for years. We had a drink together for old times’ sake.
今天我遇见了约翰 ∙ 史密斯,多年不见了,想起以往的老交情,我们一起喝了一杯。
I lent him the money for old times’ sake.
the ˈgood/ˈbad old daysan earlier period of time in your life or in history that is seen as better/worse than the present 往昔的好/苦日子That was in the bad old days of very high inflation.
it’s the (same) old ˈstorysomething unpleasant or bad which happens again and again 又是老一套(表示糟糕的情况以前经常发生)He says we haven’t got enough money for a trip overseas. It’s the same old story every year.
of ˈold (formal or literary) in or since past times 在往昔;以前in days of old
We know him of old (= we have known him for a long time).
of the ˈold schoolfollowing old methods, standards, etc. 老派;守旧;墨守成规He’s one of the old school, a teacher who believes in discipline and politeness.
(as) old as the ˈhillsvery old; ancient 古老;悠久That joke’s as old as the hills!
an old ˈbag (disapproving, offensive) an annoying and unpleasant woman 讨厌的女人Some old bag came in here complaining that we’d charged her too much.
an ˌold ˈbat (BrE, informal, disapproving) a silly or annoying old person 愚蠢(或讨厌)的老家伙She never hears what I’m saying to her — the silly old bat.
old ˈboy/ˈgirl (informal) 1. an older man/woman 年长的男子/妇女There’s a nice old boy living next door.
2. a former pupil of a school 校友;老同学He’s one of our most famous old boys.
We have an old girls’ reunion every five years.
the ˌold ˈboy network (BrE, informal) the practice of men who went to the same school using their influence to help each other at work or socially 校友关系网;老同学间的互相关照an/that old ˈchestnut (informal) a joke or story that has often been repeated and as a result is no longer amusing 老掉牙的笑话(或故事)‘He told us all about the police arresting him for climbing into his own house.’ ‘Oh, no, not that old chestnut again.’
an old ˈdear (informal) an old woman 老太太And then this old dear came in looking very ill, so I asked the doctor to see her before the other patients.
an old ˈflame (informal) a person you were once in love with; a former boyfriend or girlfriend 老相好;旧情人My mother has an old flame who sends her a bottle of perfume once a year.
an old ˈfogey/ˈfogy (usually disapproving) (usually of an older person) a person with very old-fashioned or traditional views, opinions, etc. 守旧的人,老顽固(通常指老人)I’m not such an old fogey that I can’t remember what it was like to be a student.
NOTE A young person with old-fashioned views, style of dress, etc. is sometimes called a ‘young fogey’. 有守旧思想或穿着保守的年轻人被称为 young fogey:He’s one of the young fogies who write for the ‘Spectator’.
the ˌold ˈguardthe original or older members of a group or an organization, who are often against change but whose ideas and ways of working are being replaced 保守派;保守势力The old guard in European politics is being challenged by fresh new ideas.
an old ˈhand (at sth/at doing sth)a person who is very experienced at sth 老手;有经验的人Pete’s an old hand at negotiating our contracts — he’s been at the firm nearly twenty years, so he knows all the procedures.
OPP (still) wet behind the ears
ˌold ˈhatsomething that is old-fashioned and no longer interesting 过时的东西;陈腐的事物This is supposed to be a new method of learning English, but frankly, it’s a bit old hat.
OPP all the rage
(have) an old head on young ˈshouldersused to describe a young person who acts in a more sensible way than you would expect for a person of their age 年轻而有见识;少年老成He’s only seventeen, but he has an old head on young shoulders and remains calm under pressure.
an old ˈmaid (old-fashioned, disapproving) a woman who has never married and is now no longer young 老处女;老姑娘old ˈman (informal) a person’s husband or father 老公;老爸I go to see my old man every month. He’s 77 now, you know.
我每个月都回家看望老爸,要知道,他今年 77 岁高龄了。
Ask your old man if he can mend it.
the ˌold school ˈtie (BrE) an informal system in which upper class men educated at the same private school help each other with jobs, contracts, etc. in their adult lives (上层社会同一私立学校毕业的)校友之间的互助之情People say that the bank is run on the old school tie system.
an old ˈwives’ tale (disapproving) an old idea or belief that has proved not to be scientific 不经之谈;无稽之谈;迷信When you’re expecting a baby, people tell you all sorts of old wives’ tales.
The belief that make-up ruins your skin is just an old wives’ tale.
old ˈwoman (informal, especially BrE) 1. a person’s wife or mother 老婆;老妈Give your old woman a surprise and take her out for a nice meal.
2. (disapproving) a man who worries about things that are not important 婆婆妈妈(或斤斤计较)的男人My boss is a real old woman. He gets so annoyed if I make even the smallest mistake.
a ˌchip off the old ˈblock (informal) a person who is very like one of his/her parents in appearance or character (相貌或性格)酷似父亲(或母亲)的人Young Tom’s a chip off the old block, isn’t he? He looks exactly like his Dad!小汤姆跟他父亲简直是一个模子刻出来的,两人长得一模一样!a ˌdirty old ˈman (informal, disapproving) an older man who thinks too much about sex 老色鬼Lots of dirty old men stood around looking at pornographic magazines.许多老色鬼站在那里看色情杂志。(there’s) ˌno fool like an ˈold fool (saying) an older person who behaves foolishly appears more foolish than a younger person who does the same thing, because experience should have taught him not to do it 老年荒唐无法可想,没有比老傻瓜更傻的人(指年长者有经验不应该和年轻人犯同样的错)Fred is going to marry a woman thirty years younger than him. There’s no fool like an old fool.弗雷德要娶一个比他小三十岁的女人,他真是老糊涂了。a/the ˌgrand old ˈagea great age 高龄She finally learned to drive at the grand old age of 65.她最终在 65 岁高龄学会了开车。a/the ˌgrand old ˈman (of sth)an old man who is very experienced and respected in a particular profession, etc. 元老;老前辈At eighty, he is the grand old man of the British film industry.八十高龄的他是英国电影业的元老。have a ˈhigh old time (old-fashioned, informal) enjoy yourself very much 玩得很开心When I left them they were having a high old time singing and dancing on the tables!我走的时候,他们站在桌上又唱又跳,开心极了!there’s ˌlife in the old dog ˈyet (humorous) a person is old but is still active and enjoys life 人老心不老At 70 he’s decided to go round the world. There’s life in the old dog yet!70 岁时,他决定周游世界。真是人老心不老!I’m not too old to enjoy myself! There’s life in the old dog yet, you know.我现在还不太老,完全可以享受生活!你知道吗,我人虽老精力却仍旺盛。money for old ˈrope ( money for ˈjam) (both BrE, informal) money that is earned very easily and with very little effort 很容易赚的钱All I have to do in my job is answer the phone occasionally — it’s money for old rope.我的全部工作只是偶尔接个电话,这钱赚得容易极了。ˌpoor old ˈsb/ˈsth (informal) used to express sympathy (表示同情)可怜的,不幸的Poor old Mrs Kirk’s just gone into hospital again.可怜的柯克太太又进医院了。She sat down to rest her poor old legs.她坐下来让她可怜的双腿休息一下。reopen old ˈwoundsremind sb of sth unpleasant that happened or existed in the past 揭旧疮疤;重提伤心事Look, let’s try not to reopen any old wounds this time, OK?嘿,咱们这次别提任何伤心事,好吗?ˌring out the ˌold (year) and ˌring in the ˈnewcelebrate the end of one year and the start of the next one 辞旧迎新at/to a ˈripe old ageat/to the ripe old age of…at/to a very old age 在/到…高龄My grandmother lived to a ripe old age.我的祖母活到很大年纪。My uncle was still driving a car at the ripe old age of 89.我叔叔 89 岁高龄还在开车。settle a ˈscore/an acˈcount (with sb)settle an old ˈscorehurt or punish sb who has harmed or cheated you in the past; get revenge (同某人)算旧账,报宿怨I’ve got a score to settle with him after the terrible things he said about my girlfriend.他说我女朋友的坏话,我要和他算账。Before he left the school, he wanted to settle an old score with one of his classmates.离开学校前他要先和一位同班同学算清旧账。 OPP call it quits (you can’t) teach an old dog new ˈtricks (saying) (you can’t) make old people change their ideas or ways of working, etc. (无法)改变老人的想法(或积习等);老狗玩不了新把戏My grandmother doesn’t want a computer. She says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.我奶奶不想要计算机,她说人老不学艺。(as) tough as old ˈboots (informal) 1. (of food 食物) be very tough and difficult to chew 硬而难嚼This steak’s as tough as old boots.这块牛排跟牛皮一样嚼不动。2. very strong and able to bear pain, criticism, etc. without complaining or giving up 坚强;顽强Don’t worry, she’ll soon recover. She’s tough as old boots.别担心,她很快就会好起来的,她非常坚强。




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